Short Story

How To Publish Short Story Book

You must have had the desire to write a novel from a very young age, but somehow, as the years passed, that desire never seemed to have materialized. Every time you picked up the pen to write, you dropped it back thinking,” Writing a novel is hard,”... “What if I don’t get recognized for my writing… “ and many other things. But why do you want that desire to get suppressed and altogether die out someday? The best way to fulfill that desire to some extent is to start writing short stories, as great writers like  Mark Twain, R.K Narayan any many more didn’t start writing the novels directly but began writing short stories first. They learned the art of writing by writing short stories.

Short stories can make your career. Maybe it’s time to stop thinking that writing only novels can only bring you recognition; instead, it’s time to write short stories and have them self-published. For this, Stallium Publication is the right platform to begin your journey of writing short stories and is ready to provide you with every support.

Get Publish your short story in book form with Stallion Publication.

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