
Pharmacy Practice


Editor(s): Dr. Narendra Kumar and Arjun Gupta

Author(s) Country: India

ISBN No.: 978-93-90728-58-9

Published Year: April, 2022

Price: Rs. 1,600/-

Size: A5

Format: Paper Back

(Rs. 200/- included for Speed Post/Courier)

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World have seen many calamities in the past but those all were natural phenomena. A calamity again struck the world in the end of year 2019. If media reports are to be believed this calamity aka Covid-19 pandemic was man-made however the source of the pandemic is yet to be identified. Many of the commoners in current generation in India never even heard the word pandemic before the beginning of covid-19. The scale and magnitude of this pandemic was never thought by anyone.
Media reports said that world is struck by pandemic in every hundred years however very few is living to tell the tale of last pandemic happened in year 1918.What current generation is facing could have not been imagined by anyone. The way a human think and act it is changed in the pandemic situation. Companies have to adapt in new situation to work and sell their products/services. Pandemic have affected the life of everyone. This book tried to explore this pandemic phenomenon.


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