Poetry Book

How to publish poetry book in India

Earlier it was believed that those who wrote poems were nerds and these people lived in a bubble world. So they often became a laughing stock among those who knew them. There were very few who were encouraged to write and fewer who were ready to hear or read what was written by them. None could think of taking it as a way to earn their living. The idea of self-publishing a poetry collection was unusual. We cannot fathom enough how they would have felt. But things have swivelled in the 21st century, and it has become easy for the poets to get their due respect by having their poems compiled in the form of a book and be self-published.

Here is a step by step guide by which you can fulfil your desire of having your poems published:

Step 1 : Create/Curate your poetry collection

As writing poems has always been your interest, there might have been days or sometimes moments when an inspiration flashed, and you penned them down into poems. Re-Read these and decide which you think are the best of all and should go into your book. Segregate these poems based on a particular theme. A poetry book can have over 100 poems. Take your time to decide over what would go into your collection.

Step 2 : Choose a format for your poetry book

One of the best things about self-publishing a poetry book is that you have the full power to control its creative side, from the formatting to the design. So, choose a book format and organise the poetry; in a logical order. They can be arranged in the form of a conversation,or maybe you can let them just be random but whatever you choose, do it wisely. You can even decide the size of your book. Keep in mind that the quality of the paperback plays an important role in leaving the impact.

Step 3 :Proofread and edit your poems

In a poem, every word chosen elicits a powerful emotion. Re-reading your own poems might want you to change the words and phrases here and there. Be ruthless, and don’t feel bad for it. Doing so makes the meaning of the poems more impactful. Therefore editing and proofreading is an important step. Do it with full care and attention.

Step 4 : Designing your book pages

Good poetry books are capable of awakening the reader’s senses every time they pick the book to read, and this can only happen when the writer chooses to involve in the designing of the book. These days there are various tools to design a book inside out. Experiment with the fonts and involve similar subtle colours on every page. The words should be properly spaced and not crammed. Every page should have only one poem. You can even fill the pages with illustrations; the book looks artistic this way. Basically, the whole layout of the page should please the eyes.

Step 5 : Your book is ready for self-publishing

After the above steps have been carried your book is ready for self-publication. These days various platforms help poets get their collection published, and STALLION PUBLICATION is one of them. We ensure that the writers get very guidance at every step so that the whole process of book publishing becomes seamless and easy.

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