Journals Publication

Welcome to the Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities (IJRAH), an OJS-PKP based Online, Peer-reviewed, Open-Access journal covering diverse fields within Arts and Humanities.

Our journal is indexed on prominent platforms such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Elsevier-SSRN, WorldCat, BASE, J-Gate, neliti, and more. This ensures that your research receives maximum visibility and recognition in the academic community.

For additional information about our journal, please visit: Explore the wealth of knowledge and opportunities awaiting you in the world of arts and humanities research with us.

Welcome to the Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology (JRASB), an OJS-PKP based Online, Peer-reviewed, Open-access journal covering diverse fields within Applied Sciences and Biotechnology .

Our journal is indexed on prominent platforms such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Elsevier-SSRN, WorldCat, BASE, J-Gate, neliti, and more. This ensures that your research receives maximum visibility and recognition in the academic community.

For additional information about our journal, please visit: Explore the wealth of knowledge and opportunities awaiting you in the world of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology research with us.


Welcome to the Stallion Journal for Multidisciplinary Associated Research Studies (SJMARS), an OJS-PKP based Online, Peer-reviewed, Open-access journal covering diverse All fields.

Our journal is indexed on prominent platforms such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Elsevier-SSRN, WorldCat, BASE, J-Gate, neliti, and more. This ensures that your research receives maximum visibility and recognition in the academic community.

For additional information about our journal, please visit: Explore the wealth of knowledge and opportunities awaiting you in the world of All research with us.


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