How to Publish a Book In India

Publishing books in India with Book Rivers is very easy. Follow some easy steps to get your books published.

Prepare manuscript

Submit manuscript as a single digital file (MS Word .doc or Rich Text Format,

 Submit your Request

You will need to send your publishing request with your requirements. Our publishing consultant will contact you within 24 hours.

Non-exclusive Exclusive agreement

You will need to sign a publishing agreement, which we will send once we start the publishing process.

Get Published in Just 1 Month

Your book will be published in just 1 month, and after that, our marketing expert will start marketing campaign for your book promotions

Book Publishing Process In India

Send Request
Talk to our Publishing Consultant

Choose Plan

Submit your book details

Sign agreement

Submit manuscript

Book composition done

Review the composed book

Get your printed copies

Book marketing done

Monitor sales and royalties

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