Frequently asked questions ?

Authors can submit their manuscript only by online submission system

If you want to confirm whether your paper is suitable for the journal, check the “Aim & Scope” on the journal website before submitted you want to confirm whether your paper is suitable for the journal, check the “Scope “on the journal website before submitting your paper.

Only MS Word format is accepted. Papers that don’t follow format will not be considered for review.

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Yes, all submitted articles undergo peer review. The status of the paper will be informed within 30 days from the date of paper submission. Authors will be provided a week to revise and make changes suggested by the reviewers.

No, the fee is for publication charges not to get it selected. Only after the article is accepted for publication we will ask for payment.

Out of Scope papers, duplicate submissions, high plagiarized and papers with improper formatting will be automatically rejected.

All inquiries and comments about manuscripts should be in writing. Keeping things in writing provides good record keeping, which is especially important for some reason in future.

Kindly, contact the Editor-in-Chief of journal via contact us page.

Authors need to pay the full amount for publication.

If an author request to withdraw his/her manuscript after paying the fee, no refund can be claimed. If article is found to be plagiarized even after publication, no refund can be claimed.

One can obtain from the link downloads on home page.

The minimum number of pages depends on the category of the paper:

The manuscript document of this type shouldn’t be more than 20 pages, including tables, figures, and references, but appendices (if available). Any paper with more than 20 pages will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles ought to be written in one column. Although authors are expected to write concisely, this should not result in unclear language.

The manuscript document of this type shouldn’t be more than 30 pages, including tables, figures, and references, but appendices (if available). Any paper with more than 30 pages will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles ought to be written in one column. Although authors are expected to write concisely, this should not result in unclear language.

The manuscript document of this type shouldn’t be more than 15 pages, including tables, figures, and references, but appendices (if available). Any paper with more than 15 pages will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles ought to be written in one column. Although authors are expected to write concisely, this should not result in unclear language.

The manuscript document of this type shouldn’t be more than 10 pages, including tables, figures, and references, but appendices (if available). Any paper with more than 10 pages will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles ought to be written in one column. Although authors are expected to write concisely, this should not result in unclear language.

The manuscript document of this type shouldn’t be more than 10 pages, including tables, figures, and references, but appendices (if available). Any paper with more than 10 pages will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles ought to be written in one column. Although authors are expected to write concisely, this should not result in unclear language.


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