Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings are published records of a society or association’s conference, congress, symposium, or other meetings, which usually but do not always include abstracts or reports of papers delivered by the participants.

Why Publish Proceedings with Stallion Publication?

Normally the proceedings are published as hard copies, but this limits the ideas and perspectives exchanged at the conferences and the benefits gained by the participants. Because of this reason, Book Rivers wants to promote the proceedings online, which are hosted by academic organisations or research institutions. Our online, open-access publishing service can help conference organisers share their conference content worldwide.

Conference Proceedings Publishing Process followed by Stallion Publication :

  • Submit a Proceedings proposal :

This is the first step in publishing Conference Proceedings whereby the conference organisers first submit a proposal for Proceedings publication by providing conference and organizer details. These details are then evaluated by the Stallion Publication team to ensure the accuracy of the provided information and also its suitability in light of our publishing guidelines.

  •  Completing  Agreement:

After we have evaluated all the details and their accuracy with our guidelines, an agreement is signed; between the organisers and Book Rivers. The agreement is said to be complete once the organizer make an advance payment(minimum); until the organisers make the payment, they will not be permitted to use our name as publishers.

  •  Announce a Publishing Partnership/collaboration:

The conference organiser will be given article templates and logos from us so that they can be used on the conference website. We would also post the conference announcement in our blog corner for cross-verification by participants. The conference organisers should collect and carry out peer-review. Finally, all the accepted conference papers should be submitted to Book Rivers before or after the conference.

  •  Complete the payment :

The organisers make the rest of the payment and get a copy of the final invoice.Once Book Rivers has completed the copy-editing process, a galley proof version for final proofreading revisions will be given to you.

  •  Final Publication :

This is the last step in the process, and now the Final Publication Proceedings will be published one week after the galley proof version gets approved. It’s time to provide the authors with the link to the publication.

Book Submission

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