
Banking Insurance And Financial Services


Editor(s): Pema Lama and Brahma Chaudhuri
ISBN No.: 978-93-90728-02-2

Published Year: 2021

Price: Rs. 1200/- *
Size: A4
Format: Paper Back

*Speed Post / Courier Charges Extra


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The Peer Reviewed Edited Book on ‘Emerging Issues in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services’ intends to provide various relevant emerging issues and emphasize them for the perusal and understanding by different segments of society – policy makers, stakeholders, research-scholars etc.

The publication is the outcome of the contributions of insightful research-oriented papers/articles by various eminent academicians, scholars and researchers in a highly organized and lucid manner with a clear and detailed analysis related to the emerging areas in the fields of Banking, Insurance and Financial Services. It is believed that our Peer Reviewed Edited Book will be of immense interest and value not only to the academic fraternity but also useful to researchers and policymakers.


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